Friday, March 6, 2009

2009-03-06, Week Two

Where was work when I wanted it?

Okay, so I need to adjust my approach. Work still comes first, of course. But this stuff is supposed to help me maintain my sanity, not threaten it further, so I hereby resolve to no longer become frustrated when I can't do my schoolwork because of such conflicts. I'll get done what I can when I'm able to do so.

P.E. Tuesday was okay; Thursday was okay. Nothing spectacular, but I'm making progress. My 5K visions are already moving from being able to jog the whole thing to wondering if a 10-minute-mile pace is within my reach. I overate last weekend—being a good cook occasionally has its drawbacks—so my weight is back to about where it was last week. But people are starting to notice, so I'm not fussing. I'm not planning on spending this weekend in the kitchen, so things should be better.

Penmanship. I just suck. I've moved on to other patterns and have finally started looking at the training alphabet. (It's not one I'm supposed to retain; rather, it's designed to teach proper pen strokes.) And it's ugly, too. I'll keep plugging.

Spanish. No progress in the book, but I've had ThalĂ­a playing on my Sansa ghettoPod for most of the week.

Music Theory. I have a keyboard! And batteries! And apparently a completely deaf ear. Even when I narrow down my choices so that I have only Major and minor chords—nothing diminulated or suspendered—and I still can't tell them apart. I haven't given up, but I'm beginning to suspect that my band director friend is right: I may need instruction. But hey, I have a keyboard with batteries and even some staff paper, so I'll just keep chipping away for now.

Drawing. Hooray! I did manage to get my first drawings completed, and yes, they are horrible. The Boy laughed. I can't blame him.

I'll just have to see how next work goes. There's some work to be done, but I don't expect it to last long.

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